Dr. Andrei Pîrgari

Founder/ DMD, Ph.D., Dentist

Dr. Andrei Pîrgari


Having graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry “UMF Gh. Popa“ inIasi, in 1999, followed by his residency later Ph.D. research, was mainly interested in the in-depth research of systemic causes in the occurrence of diseases in the oral cavity.

Dr. Andrei Pîrgari

In constant search for solutions and treatments that have a beneficial effect on the general health of the body, he has applied the effects of bio-oxidative medicine in practice and has created a unique concept in the treatment of oral cavity diseases, in which the main focus is on the self-healing ability of the body.

Many years later, the acquired experience was enhanced by an International Postgraduate Course in Ozone Therapy at the Faculty of Medicine at Titu Maiorescu University in Bucharest. Thus, classical dental practice evolved and gradually transformed itself into a holistic practice in which is patient-centered, now being at the core of the concept of GRANDISMEDOZON Clinic.

Being particularly impressed by the impact of eliminating outbreaks of dental infection on the overall health of the person, he was inspired to expand his knowledge in the field of oral surgery. In 2008 he successfully graduated from the Dental Implantology Qualification Course at the Department of Dentistry, the First Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, and after several years of practice he obtained the Certificate of Complementary Studies in Oral Implantology UMF “Gh. Popa” in Iasi and the Romanian Dental Association for Education, following a one-year masters program.

Another passion of Dr. Andrei Pîrgari is dental aesthetics and perfect smile creation.

He participated atthe Digital Smile Design Residency (DSD) in Madrid, Spain, which opened up revolutionary perspectives in creating the perfect smile, as a result this innovative protocol was incorporated into the practice of GRANDISMEDOZON Clinic.

At present, he combines his practice at the Clinic with professional involvement in various projects, being President of the Association of Oxygen-Ozone Therapy of the Republic of Moldova, member of the Romanian Society of Oxygen Ozone Therapy in Romania, member of the Moldovan Dental Association, member of the Dental College, Brasov, Romania, DSD member, author of several scientific papers in national and international journals, holding four patents and two innovator certificates.

As an active member of the gIDE Institute in CA, USA. Dr. Andrei Pîrgari focuses on dento-alveolar and periodontal surgery, guided bone regeneration and dental implantology, performing sinus lifting procedures and applying complementary therapies: Oxygen-Ozone therapy, UVB therapy and vitamin-mineral therapy.


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